All About Me
James Henry - a 30 something peter pan documenting a journey of new experiences and adventure. Visiting far away countries and challenging my limits.
Why do you climb? because its there.
Brand Ambassador contact details see base of page.
Latest Adventures
Follow on Instagram Summit2Do_Official for all the latest adventures and trips. I am now living in Germany so many European mountains to conquer over the next two years. Maglic, Triglav, Toubkal, Olympus and Zugspitz are hopefully all in Summer 2022.

Highest Mountain Challenge
To climb all the highest mountain/point in all 44 countries within Europe. 3/44 completed so far.
Kilimanjaro Jan 2022
Was a great Trip in Jan 22, first time my guide had been up Kili in 2 years due to COVID 19. There is a short montage video on the youtube and instagram links. Full video to follow.
Walking the Wainwrights
214 wainwrights. 38/214 completed so far.